How old does my dog have to be to start training?
You can begin training with as young as 10 weeks as long as your dog has had at least two sets of vaccinations.
How old is too old for training?
No dog is too old to benefit from and enjoy training as long as your dog is physically able as determined by you and your veterinarian.
What classes do you offer?
We offer Puppy and Beginner classes, Intermediate levels I and II and Advanced/Canine Good Citizen classes. We also have a Click a Trick class and potty training seminars. For more details click here.
What will my dog learn in class?
We teach basic manners and important skills including sit, lie-down, stay, come, off, wait and heel. Our group classes provide a perfect opportunity for your dog to learn social skills and fun tricks as well.
What if my dog needs private training?
We believe that most dogs can benefit from group classes. However if you have specific behavioral issues you want to address or special scheduling needs, our private lessons may be perfect for you and your dog.
What techniques do you use to train dogs?
We use the most modern and scientifically proven methods which use positive reinforcement to reward behaviors you want your dog to learn. We also use clicker training methods; the same methods used at Sea World and Disney’s Animal Kingdom.
When are classes offered?
We offer classes seven days a week at our location at many convenient times. You can check our calendar here. Just stop by or call to confirm when the next available class starts or speak to a trainer to schedule private training sessions.
What if I have to miss a class?
We are very flexible. You are welcome to participate in a concurrent class or schedule a make-up session with your instructor, if available.
How long is the class?
Our classes are an hour a week for eight weeks. Our Advanced and Click a Trick classes are an hour a week for six weeks.
Can everyone in the family come to class?
We want training in the household to be consistent, so we welcome everyone who interacts with the dog to participate. However, very young children should not handle the dog in class and adult supervision is required.
Can I bring more that one dog to class?
We recommend all dogs in the household come to training; however, each dog in class must have one handler.
Why should I train my dog?
Training facilitates communication that allows you to enjoy your dog even more. Dogs that have had training are the least likely to be given away or relinquished to a shelter.
Why can’t I train my dog myself?
In our classes, you are the trainer; our instructors provide feedback and assistance in a fun environment to help you build the best relationship with your dog.
For more information, email me.