If your dog is still pulling on leash, or you can't find the right tool to help control your dog on walks, come to my new Loose Leash walking seminars Wednesdays at 7pm and
Saturdays at 10am. I will address the most common and persistent training issue: pulling on leash. With demonstrations of appropriate techniques and tools and supervised, indoor practice, you can learn to regain control of your walks. You can start to enjoy exercising your pet. A long, enjoyable walk goes a long way toward dealing with other behavioral issues that come from having an energetic, under-exercised, under-socialized dog. I'll show you how to take the first step, with your dog right beside you, of course! Take as many seminars as you want for as much guidance as you need. Each hour-long seminar is only $15!
To help promote Nationa Train Your Dog Month, I'm also offering special pricing on private training. Space is limited. Contact Yolanda for details at (949)443-5336