Thursday, August 6, 2009

Samson, a STAR Puppy!

Check out my latest STAR Puppy graduate. Samson and his Pet Parent fulfilled all 20 requirements to be an AKC STAR Puppy! STAR stands for Socialization Training Activity Responsibility. These are all elements necessary to get you and your puppy started on the right path. To find out more about the STAR Puppy program go to the AKC website for information. You can find out what the 20 requirements to pass are here. The AKC sends STAR Puppy grads a medal valuable information about the development and continued training of your new family member. I have incorporated the requirements of the STAR Puppy program into my eight week puppy class. So you do not need to participate in the program to successfully complete the puppy class. Come see me for details Also graduating this past week were Dana, Riley, Libbie and Inka. Congratulations!
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